Have you recently had your blood lipids tested? Maybe your doctor told you that the level of LDL, or "bad" cholesterol is too high? Were you offered medication to lower cholesterol? 

it is important that you know that several factors can cause an increase in cholesterol levels.

These reasons aren't well known, so it is important for you to know them and receive treatment if they are relevant to you. 


Many studies have shown a connection between bacterial infections such as Helicobacter pylori, and viral infections like herpes and CMV to high levels of blood lipids. For example, Helicobacter pylori infection leads to high levels of total cholesterol and LDL. 

How are infections connected to high levels of blood lipids? There's evidence that infections change the metabolism of the lipids in the cells. And, there is evidence that LDL has a role in protecting against infections. Research has shown that mice with very high levels of LDL were protected from infections such as Helicobacter pylori.

Pathology in the digestive system

When the intestinal barrier is damaged, substances produced by intestinal bacteria are called lipopolysaccharides, an unwanted substance that can penetrate the bloodstream. 

These can cause an immune system reaction which leads to an increase in LDL.


Thyroid hormones affect the metabolism of fats. Studies show that people with hypothyroidism have high levels of total LDL cholesterol, and others have shown that treating hypothyroidism leads to a decrease in the general cholesterol level and LDL.

How is LDL connected to the immune response?

It turns out that its particles can bind to lipopolysaccharides and remove them from the bloodstream. And, studies show that when there is an increase in lipopolysaccharides in the blood there's also an increase in LDL particles.

Environmental toxins

Environmental toxins are probably the factor that is the least thought of as causing an increase in LDL. However, studies have shown that mercury poisoning can lead to an increase in cholesterol. Another toxin that can lead to an increase in lipid levels is bisphenol A, with research showing that rabbits injected with bisphenol A developed increased blood lipids and heart disease.

In addition to these substances, it is certainly possible that other substances such as pesticides and chemical substances which mimic estrogen can also cause similar problems with blood lipids.

Times of mental or physical stress

it is known that Cushing's disease - in which there's an oversecretion of cortisol hormone - increases the number of blood lipids. Cushing's is an extreme condition, but what about people who are in a state of constant stress? Even in stressful situations, there is an increase in cortisol which, although more moderate, will still have similar effects on blood lipids.

How can you lower your blood lipid levels?

Eat a healthy diet, exercise, make sure your thyroid is balanced, check that you don't have any infections, be aware of intestinal blockages and problems, manage your stress with deep breathing, meditation, or yoga; avoid exposure to environmental toxins.

Dr. Dalit Draiman Medina is an expert in family medicine along with integrative and functional medicine.

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